Pictures of: ’calf‘
Golden Calf
Moses Breaks the Tablets
Aaron Fashions an Idol
Golden Calf
The People Turn Away From God
Living Creatures: Calf (Ox)
The Golden Calf
Golden Calf
The Golden Calf
The Golden Calf and Moses' Anger
Moses Burns the Golden Calf
Moses Receives Tablet and Pleads for Israel
The Golden Calf
The Golden Calf
The Golden Calf Melted
About My Father's Business
Feeding Calf
Golden Calf
Golden Calf
Jeroboam Leads Israel Into Sin
Two Children Feeding Calf
Moses Breaks the Table Laws
Worship of the Golden Calf
Moses and the Golden Calf
Aaron Prays for Rebellious People
The Golden Calf Rebellion
A Child Shall Lead Them
Jeroboam Defiance of God at Bethel
Quiet Pasture
Jeroboam Leads Israel Into Sin
Father Welcomes the Prodigal Son
First Family in Garden of Eden
WYOMING. Yellowstone National Park. American Bison (Bison bi
WYOMING. Yellowstone National Park. American Bison (Bison bi
Calf in a Pasture
Aaron Makes Golden Calf