Pictures of: ’torturous‘
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
Carrying Cross
Road to Calvary
Road to Calvary
Jesus Was Flogged and Tortured
Stoning of Stephen
Jesus on Trial
Amazing tortured trees covered in moss.
Amazing tortured trees covered in moss.
Amazing tortured trees covered in moss.
Amazing tortured trees covered in moss.
Amazing tortured trees covered in moss.
Amazing tortured trees covered in moss.
Walk to Calvary
Walk to Calvary
He Chose the Nails
Fire Fist
I Thirst!
Jesus Carrying Cross to Calvary
Paul About to Be Flogged.
Shame of the Cross II
The Shame of the Cross
The Mocking of Christ
The Humiliation of Christ
The Confession
Jesus and Cross
Jesus Carries Cross
Jesus on Th
Crown of Thorns
Simon a Cyrenian Bear Jesus' Cross
Road to Calvary
Sacrificial Love
It Is Finished
Walk to Calvary
Take Up the Cross
Persecution of Christians
Wounded for Our Transgressions
Building in Egypt
Christ on Cross
Stomping on Satan
Jesus on the Cross