Providence Collection Images
Mark Steiner - Discipleland
Jesus Teaching about Himself
Gideon and the Men Who Lapped
The Market Place
Worshiping in Church
Escape of the Spies
Through the Cornfields
Frog Life Cycle
Jesus Reveals Himself to Mary Magdalene
Family Thanksgiving
Carpenter Shop
Wise Men Followed the Star
Matching Pictures: Farm
Jesus Preaching From the Boat
Jesus Teaching in Synagogue
Presentation in the Temple
Esther behind Curtain in the King's Throne Room
Queen Esther Hears the News
Jesus with Nobleman
Boy Jesus Folding Garments
Boy Putting Clothes In Drawer
Boy Jesus Playing With Top
Wonderful Healer
Picking Up Crayons
Infant Jesus
Mother With Boy Dusting Chair
Baptism of Jesus
Paul Healing Publius' Father
The Wonderful World
Snack Time
Home in the Desert
The Prodigal Son
Jesus and His Disciples in the Cornfield
Deborah and Barak
Jesus Healing on Sabbath
Children with Grapes
Elijah Being Fed By Crows
Christ Entering Jerusalem
Kindergarten Boy Praying
Garden of Eden
For all Nations and All People
Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel
Caring for Our Church
Children Encourage Sick Child
God's People Work Together
The Ten Virgins
Mary and Martha
Ruth Meeting Boaz
Wicked Husbandman
Boy Carrying Daffodil Plant
Christ Blessing Children
Laborers in the Vineyard
Warm Winter Scene
Jesus and Peter
Succoth Booth
The Drag Net
Children Singing