Classic Bible Art Collection - Images
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Ezekiel, a Watchman
Complaining in the Wilderness
Life-Giving Stream
Cyrus Proclamation Concerning Temple
Cyrus Proclamation Concerning Temple
Foundation of Second Temple Laid
David's Prayer for Deliverance
Queen Esther
Ezra's Journey to Jerusalem
Nehemiah's Prayer
Nehemiah's Prayer
Nehemiah Rebuilds Walls of Jerusalem
Nehemiah Rebuilds Walls of Jerusalem
Ezra Teaches the Law
Ezra Teaches the Law
Christ, Refiner and Purifer
Reheboam Counsels With Young Men
Rehoboam Counsels With Young Men
Jeroboam Leads Israel Into Sin
Jeroboam Leads Israel Into Sin
Asa's Good Reign
Asa's Good Reign
Israel Turns to Baal Worship
Israel Turns to Baal Worship
Jehosophat's Good Reign in Judah
Jehosophat's Good Reign in Judah
Elijah and a Widow of Zarephath
Elijah and a Widow of Zarepath
Elijah's Victory over Prophets of Baal
Elijah's Victory over Prophets of Baal
Elijah's Victory over Prophets of Ball
Elijah's Flight and Return
Elijah Hiding in a Cave
Elijah in Naboth's Vineyard
Elijah and Ahab
Elijah Goes Up Into Heaven
A Sorrowing Mother Made Glad
Shunammites Child
Ben-Haddad, King of Syria Escaping
Naaman's Wife and the Hebrew Maiden
Naaman's Wife and the Hebrew Maiden
Elisha's Heavenly Defenders
Elisha's Heavenly Defenders
Joash the Boy King Crowned
Joash the Boy King Crowned
Joash Repairs the Temple
Joash Repairs the Temple
Jonah under His Vine
Jonah under His Vine
Uzziah's Pride and Punishment
Uzziahs Pride and Punishment
Isaiah's Vision and Call to Service
Isaiah's Vision and Call to Service
Isaiah's Song of the Vineyard
Micah's Picture of Universal Peace
Priests Praying for the Tempted
Priests Praying for the Tempted
Hezekiah's Great Passover
Hezekiah's Great Passover
Captivity and Fall of Israel